quiet spot

美 [ˈkwaɪət spɑːt]英 [ˈkwaɪət spɒt]
  • 安静的位置
quiet spotquiet spot
  1. The hotel is beautifully situated in a quiet spot near the river .


  2. Show me the way to your quiet spot , ordered the wolf .


  3. I looked for a quiet spot in the park .


  4. Let 's find a nice quiet spot near the river to eat our picnic .


  5. He knew he ought to go to some quiet spot but could not tear himself away .


  6. You found some unobserved and quiet spot and drowned her .


  7. Gotta find that quiet spot .


  8. Find the perfect park bench or quiet spot to zone out while observing the nature around you .


  9. They walked along the water 's edge to a quiet spot and sat down on a low stone wall .


  10. One thing about being a cabbie - you always know a nice quiet spot for a murder .


  11. Find a quiet spot where you won 't be interrupted so that you can practice your technique in peace .


  12. Ordinarily , this was a very quiet spot . night , it was even more deserted .


  13. I dunno , it 's nice seeing you again in a quiet spot .


  14. Take a few minutes , a quiet spot and ask these of yourself ( warning : the answers might surprise you !)


  15. A few days before , Christ had tried to take His disciples to a quiet spot for rest but the crowds had found them there .


  16. Here , tie this rope round your neck and fasten it to my bridle . Then I will lead you to a quiet spot I know .


  17. When I want to make major decisions , I find a quiet spot where I can be alone . Away from external distractions , I try to silence the inner clutter of my mind .


  18. IN A quiet spot in eastern Montana , on rolling golden prairies and under vast skies , 71 buffalo calves charge out of a corral .


  19. Putting pen to paper can be very therapeutic when you 're troubled - sitting at a keyboard doesn 't have the same effect as sitting in a quiet spot and getting your thoughts down on paper .


  20. The dwelling houses have compatibility and variety , humanity and scientific and affinity , quiet spot in a noisy neighborhood , cool in summer and warm in winter , suitable for people to live in .


  21. A picnic could be a romantic occasion , but only if it 's in a quiet attractive spot , not in a busy park with lots of children playing nearby !


  22. Take a break each day from the stresses and reduce your risks , find a quiet , comfortable spot and take a nap .


  23. " Q " is for quiet , to find moments of quiet within yourself , to find a quiet spot to review , reflect and rejuvenate yourself . Were not my heart at rest .
